Spring '25 Mountain Lion Meal Request Form
Mountain Lion Meals is a program created to provide up to three free meals to UCCS students who do not already have a meal plan to utilize at one of our on-campus dining halls, the Roaring Fork or The Lodge. This program is a first-come, first-serve, type of program with a limited amount of meals to be distributed each week.

Students will receive 3 Mountain Lion Meals to use for the week.

In order to receive Mountain Lion Meals you will need to set up your Mobile ID, if you have not done so already you can find the instructions here https://liononecard.uccs.edu/mobile-id
Every week [Monday afternoons], Mountain Lion Meals will be uploaded onto your student ID for you to use the meal for that current week. Email notifications will be sent out when meals have been uploaded. Please note that new meals will not be loaded to your account if you have not used all your meals from the previous week.

If you plan on reusing this program every week, please continue to fill out the form every week. This form will open up at 12:00 p.m. and close at 2:00 p.m. every Monday throughout the semester. The first 40 students to sign-up will receive Mountain Lion Meals for the following week as long as they do not have an existing meal plan, remaining Mountain Lion Meals from a prior week, and have their Mobile ID set-up. All student sign-ups after the first 40 will be put on a wait-list for that week to be pulled if there are extra meals available. 

We are proud to share that in partnership with SGA (Student Government Association), we are now able to provide more meals to students at UCCS.

If you have any questions about this program, contact:
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