Anacortes Nautical Treasure Hunt
Thank you for choosing to participate in our first annual Anacortes Nautical Treasure Hunt, April 19-28, 2024! Please check-in using the following form. For more information on rules, FAQs, and where to hunt please visit Anacortes Nautical Treasure Hunt. By checking in, you will also be entered into a drawing for one of the nautical art pieces!
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Email *
Please enter your preferred first and last name *
Where are you visiting from? *
Are you staying in Anacortes? *
If you are staying in paid lodging in Anacortes, please answer the following question. 

How many people are in your party?
If you are staying in paid lodging in Anacortes, please answer the following question. 

How many nights are you staying in Anacortes?
How did you hear about this event? i.e. magazine, Tulip Festival Guide, online ad, email, Facebook, friends/family
Would you like to opt-in to a newsletter from Experience Anacortes and the Anacortes Arts Festival to stay in the know about future events like this one using your registration email? *
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